Overcoming Anxiety

So many clients come to see me for anxiety – and we’re all different, so anxiety can show itself in so many ways – from problems sleeping at night to young people dreading going to school in case they might be asked to speak out in class.

Solution focused hypnotherapy is based on neuroscience, so the first step to feeling better is helping clients understand how the brain works. We do this in our Initial Consultation and then revisit it during subsequent sessions, because only by being aware of how our mind works, can we begin to change how we think about things…as the wonderful Wayne Dyer said: “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”

It sounds a bit like magic and in a way I suppose it is. But the results speak for themselves – here’s a recent review from the Mum of a teenager who came to see me for anxiety around school, after only 2 sessions:

“Kay has helped my daughter so much by learning the art of positive thinking and relaxation. She now has a toolbox of useful tips and ideas that Kay helped her fill, so that she can use these when needed. Kay has an amazing safe space to explore worries and concerns. I can’t rate our experience highly enough. She is incredibly professional, kind and caring.”

As a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, I really enjoy helping clients of all ages to change the way they look at things here at my therapy room in Romsey, Hampshire or online via Zoom. So if you or someone you know would like help to overcome anxiety, please don’t hesitate to contact me for a free chat in the first instance by clicking the contact button on my website www.kayhendyhypnotherapy.co.uk.